Aliens were not always depicted as friendly in popular media. Orson Welles famously caused mass panic by dramatizing H.G. Wells’ novel The War of the Worlds and making people believe that beings from outer space were invading Earth. However, in recent years many movies have begun to show them in a much better light. Is it because we feel lonely, being the only known sentient species in the universe? Or is it because we no longer fear the unknown as much? That might be a question best left to philosophers to answer. Undeniably, some of the extraterrestrials we have seen on the screen are downright cute. Here, you will definitely find the friendliest and cuddliest.

If you were to listen to someone describe what E.T. looks like, it probably wouldn’t sound like the cuddliest of creatures. However, there is something about this knobbly, wrinkly little extraterrestrial being that just makes you love it.

It might be his funny hijinks and sensitive heart that make it so adorable. Then again, it could also be because of his close bond with the young protagonist. Although the movie ends with a goodbye, E.T.’s promise to be with Elliot forever is endearing.