Does Mercury Moving Backward Mean Frustration? Discover Everything About Mercury Retrograde

Many people believe that it’s a bad happening when Mercury is in retrograde. People who follow astrology often interpret Mercury retrograde as a signal of confusion and delays; it’s not completely untrue. However, Mercury retrograde is often misunderstood. When does it start? What impact does the retrograde have on our moods? This article will answer these questions and more.

What does ‘Mercury Retrograde’ mean?

All planets move from West to East, but sometimes, due to an illusion caused by the Earth’s position, they seem to be moving from East to West. Mercury is said to be retrograde when it appears to move in reverse.

Courtesy:  ABC News

A Mercury retrograde can happen three to four times a year. The unique motion of Mars has spectacular effects on different zodiac signs. Generally, these times are often associated with high intuition and extraordinary coincidences. 

Will we still experience a Mercury Retrograde in 2023?

Mercury Retrograde isn’t a once-in-a-year occurrence; it happens up to four times yearly. Knowing the range of dates when Mercury will be in retrograde motion helps prepare our minds.

Courtesy: Today Show

In 2023, Mercury is expected to be in retrograde between the 13th of December and the 1st of January 2024. Recently, Mercury was in retrograde motion between December 28, 2022, and January 18, 2023; April 21 and May 14; and August 23 and September 14. 

How does the coming Mercury Retrograde affect us?

Of course, this is the question on many people’s minds. The impacts we feel during the retrograde depend on which zodiac sign the planet is in when it goes retrograde. Well, the December retrograde promises dual energy.

Courtesy: YourTango

Since it starts in Capricorn and moves into Sagittarius, this ‘dual energy’ will make you question your career choice. While this may be a much-needed reminder for you to pursue better jobs, the retrograde will draw you to risks. Of course, Capricorn and Sagittarius will feel these effects more.

An opportunity for reflection

Mercury retrograde doesn’t spell doom, although that’s what some people believe. The fact that the period will make you question different choices can be turned in your favor. So how do you do that?

Courtesy: Myrko Thum 

During the retrograde, you should take your time to reflect on where you’re putting your energy. If you’ve been giving your friends less attention than they give you or have been putting too much time into a hobby, this retrograde period is to balance things again.

Taking note of the shadow period

After Mercury retrograde, things don’t just go back to normal. There is usually an adjustment period, called the shadow period, when delays and other issues work themselves out. What do we do then?

Courtesy: Astrology 42

The shadow period, which lasts for a few weeks, is a period for you to put your energy into intelligent changes. Also, there’s no need to rush things after the retrograde; planning to move forward but staying calm is the key.

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